Tag Archive | Awaken Fair

Akashic Record Readings ~ Michael Rosenbaum

Michael Rosenbaum has been an alternative healer, regression therapist and meditation and spiritual teacher for over 15 years. He has been in a Mystery School since 2006 and has done Akashic Record Readings for the last 5 years.Michael Rosenbaum

The Akashic records are a library of information that is imprinted in the universal energy field.  It contains the records of all happenings in the universe and can be accessed by anyone who can raise their vibration high enough to access it.

The purpose of an Akashic reading is not to predict the future but to help you with the direction of your future.  To create a blueprint to help you take your next, natural steps in a progression of growth and ascension into your higher consciousness.  To help you lift the veils of illusion and false identification with the narrower aspects of self.  To help you see your blind spots. To support and verify your own intuition.  To reveal your true nature and provide clarity, direction and healing.

The reading accesses information about you from your higher self and invisible spiritual teachers to help you figure out present day issues in your life from a spiritual perspective.  This information is specific and very practical.

He specializes in helping people discover the underlying causes of negative patterns and helping to shift them so they are free to express their higher self qualities.

This work gets results rapidly because it uses powerful regression techniques, past-life regression techniques, spiritual journeys and spiritual readings. His goal is to help people build a bridge from the lower self to the higher self. He has over 3,000 hours of training in this field.

Michael was drawn to this work by experiences he had of a guide speaking to him when he was meditating many years ago. Ever since then he has been developing this skill and fascinated with all aspects of spiritual development and the spiritual initiation and evolvement process.

Michael finds turning people on to their spiritual nature and helping them discover and express their authentic self very rewarding. “I love to help them remove the barriers to this,” he says, “and to give them clear, spiritual techniques to move them along their spiritual path.”

Michael finds inspiration in people who are deeply spiritual and humble about it. “I am inspired by people who get together and share from a place of love with no hidden agenda. I am inspired by people who don’t blame others, or life, or God for adverse conditions that show up in their life but use them as a way to learn and grow. I am inspired by people who are willing to express their gratitude.”

When asked how he sees himself making a difference in the world, Michael replied, “I see myself making a difference in the world by making a difference in people I see and then by those people transforming their point of view, they make a difference to the people in their life, and so on. It is a ripple effect. If I can be of service to people I meet in my life, and inspire them, then I will be making an important difference.”

If you’re interested in receiving an Akashic reading at the next Awaken Fair, please click here for the prep form.

For more information, please visit Michael on the Web.

Dear World, See What I See ~ Author Shanti Urreta

Everything happens for a reason. When challenges arise, sometimes we have difficulty seeing the silver lining, experiencing the gratitude until we see, often in retrospect, that the challenge was, in fact, the proverbial blessing in disguise, advancing our lives from ordinary to extraordinary.

Author Shanti Urreta

Author Shanti Urreta

Shanti Urreta, wife and mother of two grown children, retired last year from her 20-year career in public education to follow her passion. Her extraordinary journey, however, began eight years ago when a routine trip to the doctor for her annual physical revealed she was slightly anemic. Following up with a specialist, Shanti was given the news that she had a type of blood cancer called multiple myeloma. As it turns out, Shanti was misdiagnosed, but the event was nevertheless life-changing.

After retiring from the public school system, Shanti spent the next year writing her book, Dear World, See What I See, which chronicles her journey. “[The book] is an important message based on Albert Schweitzer’s philosophy on a “Reverence for Life.” It talks about the consequences we are facing as a society because of this lack of reverence and asks the reader to look at their choices.” Shanti is now pursuing a new career in public speaking to promote the book and its message.

Discovering your soul mission and following your passion is deeply fulfilling. For Shanti, this happens in seeing how her words can make an impact. “The most rewarding thing about what I do is when my words affect someone so deeply that it transforms their life… and in turn makes a positive difference in the world for all the beings on the planet.

“I believe,” she continues, “that we each can live more peacefully. I see myself making a difference in this world by sharing the consciousness on how to live a more peaceful lifestyle and what it can mean – for the good of themselves, the beings on this planet, and the planet itself.

Shanti Urreta will be at the Awaken Wellness Fair on Sunday, November 3 at the Doubletree Hotel in Tarrytown, NY.

For more information or to sign up for her newsletter, visit her on the Web at www.shantiurreta.com.

Inner Journeys ~ God-Based Intuitive Cindy Miller

You can learn to get the message while it’s still a whisper: this work/relationship/situation isn’t making you happy…perhaps you should do something about it… However, most of us don’t listen the first time around. Or the second. And sometimes, in order to get the message loud and unmistakably clear, life as we know it has to seem to fall apart a little. Or a lot. “Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.” Any Eat Pray Love fans out there? You know what I’m talking about.

God-based intuitive messages with Cindy Miller

God-based intuitive messages with Cindy Miller

So does Cindy Miller. She was married, she was successful, her real estate brokerage business was doing well. “But I was not fulfilled,” she says. “I could not put my finger on why I was not happy.”

The passing of her father, from whom she was estranged, set in motion a major shift in Cindy’s life. “So many changes needed to occur in my life.” she recalls, citing pretty much all the big ones—her work, her marriage which ended in divorce and the subsequent moving and financial upset as well as recovering from a major illness. “I finally took a look at what the Universe was trying to show me and how I felt about everything and how it tied into my life.” With that awareness, Cindy began to choose change over staying stuck.

“I recognized I was a mind, body and a Spirit, so I studied, researched, and attended so many programs and groups concerning physical, emotional and spiritual matters.” Then in 2001, she founded Trinity Productions, a non-profit organization working with different healers to provide metaphysical programs to help individuals. As time passed, Cindy learned she had the ability to share what she heard from God, realizing that the messages she was giving were accurate and carried great impact on the receivers. With the encouragement from other healers to share her gift, Cindy felt called to offer her own insight and healing groups so she began a business she calls Sacred Grounds.

So what does Cindy do? “I help people to tap in to their inner selves so they will have joy, peace and freedom,” she explains. “I love to have them know they are not stuck or alone. Helping someone change their life when they feel no one cares or they don’t know how,” she says is the most rewarding aspect of her work. “I am living proof of the changes you can make in your life and how you can turn anything into a positive when you learn to shift your thoughts. I went from depression to joy.

“I also am blessed by the reaction people have to the messages they receive, often they cry, are relieved or I confirm what they already know. This connection makes them feel at peace, often their appearance even changes as there is a shift in their energy when they are acknowledge and know God loves them. I never cease to be amazed at the messages because they are not mine and it is a reminder how God knows the core of each one of us. I remember to remain humble with this work.

Is That All There Is...The Journey Within by Cindy MIller

Is That All There Is…The Journey Within by Cindy Miller

“In addition to private work, I began to talk on radio and TV, which I love. That venue offers something people can watch or listen to, I particularly enjoy live shows with audience participation.” Cindy still gives intuitive messages, in keeping with her passion to reach a broader audience, Cindy’s work has now turned to writing. “I love to write poems,” she says, “and I have just launched my first book called Is That All There Is… The Journey Within.” She calls the book a gift from God. “I know it will have an impact and make a difference in an individual’s life. I understand inner negative thoughts we can struggle with and this can change. Life is too short to not be doing what you love or love who you are. Joy in an everyday occurrence in my life.” The book–an inner journey workbook–features over a hundred questions designed to elicit self-reflection and action steps to move readers forward in their respective journey as well as conversations Cindy has had with God.

Cindy is a big believer in prayer and continually makes prayer and meditation part of her daily life. “God is my biggest inspiration in my life. God exhibits compassion, joy, healing, love and forgiveness. These characteristics are what I strive to have inside of me each and every day. I could not have a better best friend, constant companion and I rely on him daily. I live my life keeping myself in knowing He is constantly there. When I mess up but I can go right back to understanding what is truly important and for me it is the bigger picture of life.

Her commitment to making a difference in the world manifests through Cindy simply being Cindy. “I make a difference when I am the best I can be being me. When I work on myself and choose to be loving, kind, joyful that is how I can make a difference. Changing myself,” she continues, “being who I am and taking a look at me is why I wrote Is That All There Is…The Journey Within I know this book will change lives. I am happy that I wrote it and that it will find it’s way to many who will benefit from this sharing.

Visit Cindy Miller at the Awaken Wellness Fair in Tarrytown on Sunday, November 3, 2013.

Click here for more information on Cindy and her work.

Earth Angel ~Lightworker Sarah Dennison

Did the Penguins even know what they were singing about back in the mid-1950s? Maybe the fact that the B-side single trumped its A-side soulmate and went on to top the Billboard Charts was a sign… a sign that Earth Angels are here–and we love them.

Connect with your angels

Connect with your angels

Sarah Dennison is an Earth Angel–or what some call a “Lightworker.” Sarah explained that this means she is a highly sensitive soul on a spiritual mission to help heal people with close guidance from the angels. She is a certified Angel Therapist and Medium (by world renowned angel authority Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.)  “My goal,” she says,  “is to share this wonderful gift with all of you who are looking to connect with your Angels, deceased loved ones and your own special power within each of you.  We all have many angels around us anxious to assist us with our spiritual journey here on this planet.”

Since she was a child, Sarah always felt she was in tune with her angels, giving both angels and God complete credit for leading her on her true path. “I am grateful and honored,” she says, “to help guide all closer to their Angels.”

Sarah finds her work rewarding and fulfilling, sharing with others that they, too, have the ability to connect with the angels and the Divine.

Beloved animal companion communicate from the other side, too

Beloved animal companion communicate from the other side, too

Inspiration for Sarah comes in the form of an abused German Shepard called Beamer, with whom she shared her life for  nearly eight years. “I was very spiritually connected with [him] while he was here with me in the physical world and am even more connected with him now that he is on the other side,” she says, fondly.

Sarah manifests her role in making a difference in the world by sharing with others searching for what she has found, through  the spiritual realm

Connect with your angels with Sarah Dennison on Sunday, November 3 at the Awaken Wellness Fair in Tarrytown.

For more information, visit her on the Web at www.beamerslight.com.

Lighting the Way ~ Chloe’s Soy Candles

Why is it that so many of us flinch when it comes to being good to ourselves? What is it with this tendency so many of us have with putting what’s good for everyone else before our own needs. Yes, needs. Being the best Self you can be in the world begins with being the best Self you can be, period. Charity begins at home, yes? You can start by being kind to yourself, being compassionate and generous with yourself. It’s not only OK to be good to yourself, it’s essential. Take that one small step—being good to yourself can be as simple as lighting a candle—or two—for no reason other than it makes you feel good.

Chloe's Soy Candles LLC will be at the Awaken Fair on Nov. 3

Chloe’s Soy Candles LLC will be at the Awaken Fair on Nov. 3

Anissa Andrews, owner and founder of Chloe’s Soy Candles can help you out with that.

Chloe’s Soy Candles, LLC, in Norwalk, CT specializes in aromatherapy and seasonal candles and candle-making workshops/parties, as well as fundraisers for not-for-profit organizations. See? Being good to yourself gets even much easier when you get to support a local business with a conscience! Chloe’s seasonal candles are one-of-a-kind creations using recycled containers in various shapes and sizes. Anissa has been making candles since 2010 and was introduced to soy candles shortly after being laid off from her job in the mortgage industry. “I was a stay-at-home mom with a newborn looking to create extra money,” she shared in a recent interview. “Chloe’s Soy Candles was created in 2012 out of my desire to create a local business that supports other local businesses. While we started out creating candles with various designs using bows and stickers, I decided to start using recycled containers that we purchased from tag sales, goodwill, and obtained from friends and family.” Recently, the company launched their signature line of aromatherapy candles (Invigorate, Detox, and Take A Break) using pure essential oils. Furthermore, Anissa has teamed up with a Long Island-based company to create an exclusive lines of candles.

Be good to  yourself!

Be good to yourself!

“In addition to all of this,” she said, “we love doing candle workshops/parties introducing people to various types of wax candles and having them make their own.” Chloe’s Soy Candles is also active in assisting not-for-profit organizations raise money.

Anissa’s candle-making adventure began when she was unemployed and looking to make some extra money as a stay-at-home mom. “After putting it out to the Universe that I wanted to learn how to make candles, but not having enough time to teach myself, I was introduced to a company that had the support system in place which eventually led to me creating Chloe’s Soy Candles.”

Anissa’s story is inspiring when it comes to discovering your passion and finding a way to make a living doing what you love. She cites her five-year-old daughter as her inspiration in the creation of her company. “She is full of laughter and excitement and I use that to help me create.”

Helping people make better buying decisions for themselves and their families further fuels Anissa’s passion. “One thing I always try to do is provide useful information. As a health coach-in-training, I find that people just don’t know a lot of the basics when it comes to health. So for example, at any event I do, my goal is to get to know the person I’m chatting with and then provide them with a useful tidbit that they can take with them and that they didn’t know before stopping by my table.”

Make a pact with yourself–to be good to yourself–and be sure to visit Anissa’s table at the next Awaken Fair on Sunday, November 3 at the Doubletree Hotel in Tarrytown!

For more information, check out Chloe’s Soy Candles, LLC, on the Web at www.chloesoycandles.com.

And don’t forget to “like” them on Facebook!

Jenni Stone ~ Your Connection Between the Heavens and Earth


Star light, star bright, the first star I see tonight
I wish I may, I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight

Fascination with the heavens is as old as, well, the heavens… from guiding ships at sea to seeking guidance for ourselves as we navigate our daily lives.  Whether you’re an all-in believer or your experience with astrology finds its roots in Jeane Dixon and the National Enquirer, you owe it to yourself to get to know Jenni Stone.

Astrologer Jenni Stone

Astrologer Jenni Stone

Jenni is, on the one hand, a successful real estate agent, buying and selling homes in Larchmont, Orienta and Scarsdale, NY.  For the last five years, she has been the top Westchester producer for her agency and ranks in the Top 30 agents in lower Westchester.

Success notwithstanding, “I think of this as the Unreal Estate,” she says, “My passion is astrology.” And it is–Jenni has been studying and writing about the cosmic connection for nearly 30 years. Her articles have been published internationally, and her blog and Facebook predictions are regularly reposted by other astrologers around the world.

“The most rewarding part of practising astrology,” she continues, “is that I change people’s lives by helping them to be more confident, experience creativity, use their intuition and develop gifts and potential.” She accomplishes this by putting planetary activity in a positive perspective. How many of us–those who pay attention to such things, that is–groan in anticipation of the next Mercury Retrograde and attempt to steel ourselves against three-plus weeks of misplacing our keys, electrical wonkiness and breakdowns in the simplest of communications? Talk to Jenni and she will share with you all the reasons that Mercury Retrograde can be wonderful–hearing from old friends, taking time for self-reflection, contemplating a plan of action for when the red planet goes direct.

Whether in person or through her writing, Jenni instills a sense of calm, of purpose, of gratitude. “In my writing,” she explains, “I urge being empathic and compassionate, while still focusing on goals and intentions. I empower people in business and have many clients on Wall Street and in the media. I have also guided many friends and clients through the dating process, giving astrological insight into prospective partners, best times for dates –right through to helping them choose the date for their wedding. Everyone I’ve helped has stayed married, many for more than 20 years.” That is quite a good track record.

Inspiration comes to different people in different ways. For Jenni, she finds inspiration from the strong women in her family. “My Mom gave me pure love and told me that I could be anything I wanted to be. My Grandmother showed me what a strong woman should do. And,” she adds, “my daughter inspires me; she see me as her role model for doing the right thing while holding your head up through the most challenging of circumstances.”

How does she see herself making a difference in the world? “I’m only just getting started,” she says. “I Just have to live long and stay healthy enough to step into my power.” And, no doubt, she will.

Mark your calendar and be sure to book your appointment with Jenni Stone at the November 3 Awaken Wellness Fair in Tarrytown.

For more information on Jenni and her work, visit her on the Web at astrology-newsblog.info.

Click here to view one of Jenni’s real estate listings.

Spiritual Connection ~ Diana Muenz Chen

A certain mystique abounds when it comes to the role of spirituality in our lives, and if movies and popular TV are any indication, as a culture, we are fascinated with mediums, psychics, connections with the other side and beyond. That air of mystery is enticing; however, there seems to be an increasing awareness that what is considered by many to be supernatural, is in fact, simply natural and that intuitive abilities, while gifts of the spirit, are also skills that can be cultivated.

Channel, healer and teacher, Diana Muenz Chen

Channel, healer and teacher, Diana Muenz Chen

Author and channel Diana Muenz Chen closes the gap between between fantasy and practicality with her book, Channeling: The Heart & the Art, which serves as a how-to guide to exploring and expanding one’s own abilities.

Since the 1980s, Diana has been giving professional trance readings and teaching channeling workshops, working with students to develop their own channeling skills. She is also a hands-on healer, a Spiritual Counselor and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. She has received extensive training in energy transmission and perception of energy and graduated from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing where she attended their teacher training program and enhanced her natural teaching skills. She is also a graduate of the body-centered and spiritually-oriented therapy school, the Institute of Core Energetics East.

We are thrilled to welcome her into the Awaken Fair family.

Diana’s involvement with the Awaken Fair began a couple of years ago as a vendor and most recently, you may have seen her volunteering at the check-in table at the last fair. On November 3 in Tarrytown, she will set up again as a vendor and is on the roster as a speaker during which time Michael the Archangel will be guiding a meditation and healing for the group.

Diana was drawn to channeling through the work of Clifford Bias, whom she describes as “the Granddaddy of many mediums in New York City.” A classmate invited her to a spiritualist circle where Bias was leading a group. “Clifford was a physical medium, which meant he and his spirit guides manifested physical changes in the room,” she explains. “I was very excited about the physical manifestations—the trumpet circling the ceiling that the spirits used to magnify their voices, the apports—objects from the astral plane—that were given to us by spirit and spirits knocking over vases. I really liked the confirmations of spirit presence.”

Once the novelty wore off, she says, Diana realized that connecting to her spirit guides was about her own spiritual development. “I proceeded to work on myself every day,” she relates, “meditating and praying.” Following her studies with Clifford Bias, she then studied with one of his students, Alex Murray. “Alex taught channeling.” she recalls. “I took his class and was able to connect to my spirit guide Holly. She was fun, joyful, loving and really great to be with. I loved channeling from then on and continued to practice connecting to her everyday.” Eventually, Diana felt called to offer channeled sessions to other people. “I tried to trust it was the right time,” she says, “and it seemed that it was.”

We each find our own way to inspiration. For Diana, her inspiration comes through, in part, by connection with Michael the Archangel. “[He] affects so many people through his healings and inspirational speeches. He has such strong energy and caring attitude. He’s also very generous.” Diana goes on to say that Michael will often offer free healings to those on her email list. “After his healings, people tell me what a wonderful experience they had with him.”

She also counts Babaji Mahavatar among those who inspire her. “Babaji is my spiritual teacher. He’s no longer in a physical body; however, he is very hands-on with his lessons. There are many occurrences where Babaji has taught me powerful lessons by manifesting physical objects.

“Pat Rodegast has inspired me as well. She was the channel for the spirit Emmanuel, who created the Emmanuel book series, which are wonderful books to read. Pat channeled Emmanuel in a very clear, humble way. Since she’s died, I’ve been in touch with her about how to become a clearer channel. Her suggestions are simple and profound. One time she simply said ‘Let your guide guide you and not the other way around.’ That’s made a big impact on my channeling.”

Diana is very clear in her sincerity when it comes to doing the footwork that accompanies any spiritual calling. She is equally open about the rewards of doing the work she does. “To see someone become healthier and happier is delicious and makes me feel so good,” she says. “Also, I love guiding students to make connections to their higher self, soul and spirit guide. My students’ experiences bring back memories of my first connections to Holly and how wonderful it was for me.”

Channeling: The Heart & the Art

Channeling: The Heart & the Art

Making differences in people’s lives makes a difference in the world. Through her book, Diana is able to impact the lives of people she’s never met, helping them to connect to the spirit world. “Through connection to the spirit world,” she explains, “they can receive healings any time they want, receive spiritual lessons, learn about what they’re working on in this lifetime, experience unconditional love, speak with dead relatives and animal companions and receive answers to their questions.”

In her private sessions she sees her clients helping to change the world, one person at a time. “I see real tangible growth in people and those clients impact all the people they come in contact with…like a circular ripple moving through the water.”

Visit Diana Muenz Chen at the Awaken Wellness Fair on November 3 at the Doubletree Hotel in Tarrytown. For more information on Diana and her work, visit her on the web at dianamuenzchen.com.

Healing & Guidance: Meet Laurie J. Newman

The next Awaken Fair is right around the corner and the coming days are filled with the promise of old friends and new faces! Make new friends, but keep the old… isn’t that how the saying goes? In the spirit of honoring those who have helped to make the Awaken Fair such a wonderful experience, we’re happy to welcome back intuitive reader Laurie J. Newman!

Certified Intuitive Consultant and Metaphysical Minister Laurie J. Newman

Certified Intuitive Consultant and Metaphysical Minister Laurie J. Newman

Laurie has been a reader at the fair for several years now and brings a wealth of positive, healing energy to the Readers’ Room. “I have met so many wonderful people through giving them readings, ” she says about her experience at the fair. “Many of them don’t even realize how special they are.” Helping people come to that realization for themselves is part of what makes Laurie so special herself.

Using her skills as a Tarot reader and medium, Laurie helps to empower those she reads for. “I help them to realize that they are valuable and offer them guidelines so that they can create the life that they want and in so doing, become happier.”

“Simply put,” she explains, regarding her work as a Metaphysical Minister, “[it’s] all about bringing spirituality into our daily lives and realizing our purposes, gifts, intuition and where guidance comes from. I help people see the goodness in themselves.

Laurie is also a Certified Intuitive Consultant, having expanded her skills through courses at the Holistic Studies Institute, including taking the Institute’s certification examination. “I reassure, inspire, support and empower people is through connecting with spirit. These connections continually confirm to me that life continues after passing. And the messages that come through are what one needs to hear at the time.”

One particular memory she shared was that of a reading she gave at one Awaken Fair to a mother who had lost her son. “She was concerned that she had lost him forever. To reassure her that she hadn’t, I gave her one of my rose quartz stones saying, ‘Whenever you feel like you’ve lost him, hold the stone and remember that he is still around.’ She took the stone and told me that when he was young, he collected stones. And then she smiled, knowing that he truly was there.”

Outside the fair, Laurie’s work is similar, although private readings give her the opportunity to spend more time with each person. She also facilitates healing gatherings and channeling groups. “Once a month,” she says, “I hold a channeling group where everyone who attends gets two channeled messages—one from their spiritual guides and one from a loved one.”

She also hosts a monthly Healing Gathering in which participants can receive as much healing energy as they choose. “Then we spend the last part of the gathering sending out energy to whomever we choose.”

Healing work benefits both client and healer and Laurie gratefully acknowledges the impact her work has had on her own life. “I’ve become more aware of the beauty of the world and the good in people. I now know that good thoughts and prayers are quite powerful and beneficial to us all.”

In closing, Laurie has this to say about the fair, “The Awaken Fair has lots of resources to help us all. Take advantage of them while you are at the Fair. Who knows, maybe this is the day that you will see or hear something that strikes a chord within you and changes your life forever. For the better, of course.”

Visit Laurie in the Readers’ Room at the November 3 Awaken Fair in Tarrytown.  Click here to learn more about Laurie and her work.

Carla Blaha: Suburban Mom with a Twist

Carla Blaha is a suburban mom. With a twist. She is also a Certified Angel Card Reader, Reiki Master and Intuitive Medium. Actually, she’s an Evidential Medium, meaning that she will pass on to her clients how much they are live by their Spirit people, but only after she offers facts that her clients can verify.

Carla Blaha: Suburban Mom with a Twist

Carla Blaha: Suburban Mom with a Twist

Although she’s been reading cards and giving intuitive life readings since the early 1990s, Carla knew early on that she had the gift. Both her mother and grandmother were intuitive, but, Carla says, “they were never able to share their gifts with society.” As a child, it was clear that Carla had inherited the same ability. “Growing up,” she says, “all I heard from my mother was ‘Carla has the Second sight. Carla has the Sixth Sense.’ I never knew it was not just the way it was supposed to be. According the Carla, her mother first noticed her daughter’s ability when \she was three years old. “Later, [when I was] about nine or ten, I saw our neighbor doing her gardening, as usual, except she had passed away.”

Having the gift is one thing, doing the work is another. “Ultimately,” she says, “the pull was so strong it is all I did with my spare time was to read and take classes. It was not until a close friend crossed over in my arms did I realize, at that very moment, this was what I was put here to do. I heard in my head how to cross her over and what to say. I saw here clairvoyantly lift from her body. I was given the ability to do this work so that is what I am supposed to do……heal people. All the signs and markers fell into place. When you are in flow that is what happens.”

Carla Blaha

Carla Blaha

Carla shares enthusiastically that being in service to humanity in this capacity is by far the most rewarding job she could ever have. “I am beyond lucky and grateful,” she says, “I am healing people daily which has a massive impact on their lives, their family/friends and my life. I am healed with each and every person I heal.

“I am luckily enough able to offer grieving people proof—the best that our human minds understand—that life continues beyond our Earthly bodies,” says Carla, “I give people hope that as long as they are here their job is not done and they have a true purpose and really matter in our World and The Universe.”

Carla Blaha will be at the Awaken Wellness Fair on Sunday, September 15 at the Doubletree Hotel in Ft. Lee, NJ.

You can visit her on the Web at believeandlisten.net

Beacon of Light: Intuitive Spiritual Counselor Enid Martinez

Enid Martinez, founder of The Heart Helix, is an Intuitive Spiritual Counselor and holds a certificate in Medical Intuition from Holos University Graduate Seminary. In her work, Enid guides her clients to reach higher states of awareness to create more fulfilling lives for themselves. We are delighted to welcome Enid to her second Awaken Wellness Fair!

Speaker Enid Martinez will present "Building Your Grid of Co-Creation" at the Sept. 15 Awaken Fair

Speaker Enid Martinez will present “Building Your Grid of Co-Creation” at the Sept. 15 Awaken Fair

There are those who come to this work as the result of some life-altering event. For others, it’s a leap of faith that puts them on the right path. For Enid, it was the latter. “At first, I resisted doing this type of work, even though I found it fascinating,” she says. “I never thought of taking it seriously as a career because I enjoyed being an international private banker.” Ultimately, however, Enid surrendered to what she describes as a “persistent inner voice,” and resigned from the bank for which she was working in Argentina and returned to the U.S.

The transition wasn’t an easy one, as life transitions rarely are, but Enid views the challenge with appreciation and gratitude. “This motivates me to guide and assist others to make their own transitions in life smoother… I know what it’s like to feel lost and powerless [and] I love being there for others [when they] feel a sense of loss, because I have navigated through the fog.

“I have also learned,” she continues, “ how to navigate these transitions by listening to Spirit. I can help and be a source of light for others. More importantly,” she adds, “[I can] show [them] their own source of light.”

Nature is a profound source of inspiration for Enid. “Nature is fully connected to Source,” she explains, “and goes through its cycles and changes effortlessly. Nature shows us our true nature and is a powerful teacher because it accepts and embraces its own divinity and intelligence.”

As a teacher and guide, Enid is honored to serve as a beacon of light to her clients as they experience awakening and deeper life changes. “I love it when they get to their own insights and become empowered in their own right, through their own light.”

Enid Martinez will present, “Building Your Grid of Co-Creation” at the New Jersey Awaken Wellness Fair on September 15 at the Doubletree Hotel in Ft. Lee, NJ. Click here for the complete speakers’ schedule.

For more information, visit Enid on the Web at thehearthelix.com.